Education and Training
- Certificate of Completion: Precise Techniques for the Muscles and Ligaments of the Anterior, Posterior and Lateral Neck
- 2023 (16 hours) Brian Utting through the Therapeutic Training Center, Inc.
- Certificate of Completion: Hands-on Dissection Workshop
- 2022 (70 hours) Integral Anatomy Productions
- Certificate of Attendance: Dissection Livestream Specialty Class: The Nervous System
- 2021 (4 hours) Anatomy Trains
- Certificate of Attendance: Dissection Livestream Specialty Class: Lumbopelvic Stability
- 2021 (4 hours) Anatomy Trains
- Certificate of Completion: Hands-on Human Dissection Course
- 2019 (35 hours) Somanautics Workshops, Inc
- Certificate of Attendance: Visceral Manipulation: The Pelvis (VM3)
- 2018 (24 hours) Barral Institute
- Certificate of Completion: Rib Issues
- 2018 (8 hours) Advanced Myofascial Techniques
- Certificate of Attendance: Visceral Manipulation Dissection (VMD)
- 2018 (15 hours) Barral Institute
- Certificate of Attendance: Neural Manipulation: Peripheral Nerves; Upper Body (NM2)
- 2017 (18 hours) Barral Institute
- Certificate of Attendance: Listening Techniques 1: An Integrative Approach to Evaluation
- 2017 (18 hours) Barral Institute
- Certificate of Attendance: Paradigm of Assessment, Differential Diagnosis and Management of the Upper Quadrant - Orthopedic and Neurological Systems
- 2017 (15 hours) Advanced Rehab Seminars Inc.
- Certificate of Attendance: Fascial Dissection
- 2017 (40 hours) Anatomy Trains
- Certificate of Attendance: Leg, Knee, and Foot; Knee Issues
- 2016 (24 hours) Advanced Myofascial Techniques
- Certificate of Attendance: Arm, Wrist, and Shoulder; Ankle Issues
- 2016 (24 hours) Advanced Myofascial Techniques
- Certificate of Attendance: Visceral Manipulation: Abdomen 2 (VM2)
- 2016 (24 hours) Barral Institute
- Certificate of Attendance: Neural Manipulation: Brain and Cranial Nerves (NM4)
- 2015 (18 hours) Barral Institute
- Certificate of Attendance: Neural Manipulation: Peripheral Nerves; Lower Body (NM3)
- 2015 (18 hours) Barral Institute
- Certificate of Attendance: Visceral Manipulation: Abdomen 1 (VM1)
- 2014 (24 hours) Barral Institute
- Certificate of Attendance: Neural Manipulation: Peripheral Nerves; Upper Body (NM2)
- 2014 (18 hours) Barral Institute
- Certificate of Attendance: Neural Manipulation: Neuromeningeal Manipulation; an Integrative Approach to Trauma (NM1)
- 2013 (18 hours) Barral Institute
- Certificate of Completion: Fresh Tissue Dissection
- 2013 (32 hours) Laboratories of Anatomical Enlightenment
- Certificate of Completion: Visceral Manipulation for Structural Integrators - Module 4
- 2013 (28 hours) Offered by Jeffrey Burch/The Rolf Institute
- Certificate of Completion: Visceral Manipulation for Structural Integrators - Module 3
- 2012 (28 hours) Offered by Jeffrey Burch/The Rolf Institute
- Certificate of Completion: Myofascial Balancing - Lower Trunk
- 2012 (7 hours) Offered by Lauren Christman and Richard Polishuk/Crafted Touch, Inc.
- Certificate of Completion: Visceral Manipulation for Structural Integrators - Module 2
- 2012 (28 hours) Offered by Jeffrey Burch/The Rolf Institute
- Certificate of Completion: Myofascial Balancing
- 2012 (8 hours) Offered by Lauren Christman and Richard Polishuk/Crafted Touch, Inc.
- Certificate of Completion: Neuromuscular Connections: Thoracic Region
- 2012 (8 hours) Offered by Nancy Haller/Therapeutic Training Center, Inc.
- Certificate of Completion: visceral manipulation for structural integrators - module 1
- 2012 (28 hours) Offered by Jeffrey Burch/The Rolf Institute
- Certificate of Completion: Advanced Intraoral Techniques
- 2011 (21 hours), Offered by Lauren Christman and Richard Polishuk / Crafted Touch, Inc
- Certificate of Completion: Essentials of Intraoral Massage
- 2011 (16 hours), Offered by Lauren Christman and Richard Polishuk / Crafted Touch, Inc
- Certificate of Completion: Fresh Tissue Dissection
- 2011 (35 hours) Institute of Structural Medicine
- Certificate of Completion: Clinical Expertise Module II: Deep Front Line
- 2010 (32 hours) Institute of Structural Medicine
- Certificate of Completion: Clinical Expertise Module I: Neuromuscular Challenges
- 2010 (24 hours) Institute of Structural Medicine
- Board Certified Structural Integrator
- 2010 International Association of Structural Integrators
- Certified Structural Medicine Specialist
- 2010 (2,000 hours) Institute of Structural Medicine
- Certificate of Attendance: Kinesis Master Class: Neck Cylinder
- 2009 (7 hours)
- Certificate of Attendance: Kinesis - Tomas Myers’ Anatomy Trains
- 2009 (21 hours)
- Certificate of Completion: Patterns of Pathology / Treatment of the Neck and Shoulder
- 2006 (20 hours) Institute of Structural Medicine
- Certificate of Attendance: Myokinesthetic System Upper Body – Brachial and Cervical Plexus
- 2005 (20 hours)
- Certificate of Completion: Structural Strategies: Flexion/ Extension Patterns
- 2004 (20 hours) Institute of Structural Medicine
- Certificate of Completion: Three Dimensional Fascial Anatomy and Structural Bodywork / Integrated Bodywork and Cadaver Dissection of the Fascial Planes and Meridian Lines
- 2003 (20 hours) Institute of Structural Medicine
- Certificate of Completion: Deep Tissue/Sports Massage
- 1999 (142 hours) McKinnon Body Therapy Center
- Certificate of Completion: Asian Systems Massage
- 1997 (142 hours) McKinnon Body Therapy Center
- Certificate of Completion: Swedish/Esalen Massage
- 1997 (100 hours) McKinnon Body Therapy Center